Friday 24 October 2014

Ice-cream fun!

This week in art we learned some new things. We learned about tints, shades, and values.

A tint is when you mix a color with white (it gets lighter).
A shade is when you mix a color with black (it gets darker).
And value is when you show the color scale going from light to dark.

To demonstrate our new knowledge we did some yummy ice-cream art.
We started by choosing a color and painting one scoop that color.



Then we mixed in a little and a lot of white to two more scoops.
Some of the students were shocked that their red ice-cream was turning pink!

Then we added black to our ice-cream scoops and look what happened:

On day two we cut out our ice-cream and made cones. We also added sprinkles (felt) and of course we had to add a cherry on top!

It was a wonderfully delicious week in 3B!

P.S. Sorry that some of the pictures are upside down, I couldn't quite figure out how to flip them. :)

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