Saturday 4 October 2014

Creating Yearbooks

This week we said goodbye to September and welcomed October. To say goodbye to September the students began making a grade 3 yearbook. Each month they will do a one page write-up summarizing our month together. Then they will create a picture page using pictures I took throughout the month and various art supplies. At the end of the year I will put their yearbook pages together and they will have their own yearbook to take home. To inspire the kids I brought one of my old yearbooks in and had the students guess which picture was Ms. Baranowski! Showing them my yearbook got them excited about creating their own.

We began working on the writing process by brainstorming in partners and then as a class before the students began their writing.

Here are some pictures of the writing process. (You will have to wait till June to see the finished product!):

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