Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Working on writing

This week we are working on our writing skills. We are looking at what makes a good sentence. In term two we are going to work on writing more interesting complete sentences.

Here are some fun online games to help the students recognize the differences between verbs, nouns and adjectives. These games also give the students some good ideas of words to use when they are writing. We will be playing these games in class this week, but I encourage you to play them at home with your children.

Have fun!





Sunday, 16 November 2014


We have been busy learning about numbers to 1000 in math! We also spent some time working on our estimation skills. We used the smart board to help us practice our estimation skills. The kids all looked at two jars of marbles. One jar had the amount of marbles and the students had to estimate how many were in the second jar. The students quickly caught on that by looking at the first jar they could easily tell if their estimate should be larger or smaller than the jar with the given number.



The kids had lots of fun seeing if their estimate was close to the real answer:

On Friday the students estimated how many fruit loops it would take to fill their hands:

Of course after our estimating we got to enjoy a few fruit loops for a yummy snack!

Friday, 14 November 2014

Remembrance Day Art

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile! I have been busy getting ready for report cards. They will go home Friday, November 21, 2014

Last week we got ready for Remembrance Day by making art that was displayed at the Remembrance Day service. Students painted a background in water colors.

While we let it dry we read a book about Remembrance Day and talked about what we were remembering and who we were honoring. Then they used pastels and created a poppy field. The pictures all turned out great and the best part was that everyone's picture looked different but still resembled a poppy field.

Friday, 24 October 2014

Ice-cream fun!

This week in art we learned some new things. We learned about tints, shades, and values.

A tint is when you mix a color with white (it gets lighter).
A shade is when you mix a color with black (it gets darker).
And value is when you show the color scale going from light to dark.

To demonstrate our new knowledge we did some yummy ice-cream art.
We started by choosing a color and painting one scoop that color.



Then we mixed in a little and a lot of white to two more scoops.
Some of the students were shocked that their red ice-cream was turning pink!

Then we added black to our ice-cream scoops and look what happened:

On day two we cut out our ice-cream and made cones. We also added sprinkles (felt) and of course we had to add a cherry on top!

It was a wonderfully delicious week in 3B!

P.S. Sorry that some of the pictures are upside down, I couldn't quite figure out how to flip them. :)

Friday, 17 October 2014

All About Kamsack

These next few weeks we will be learning about communities all over Kamack, Saskatchewan, Canada and the world. We will look at different cultures and traditions of these communities.
 To start off the unit we began with the community of Kamsack. The students brainstormed a list of things they loved about Kamsack.

During our community unit one of the cities we will be learning about is Saskatoon. To help us learn more about Saskatoon we are going to exchange letters with grade three class in Saskatoon. We wanted to teach the grade three's a little about Kamsack so we made them a class book. Each child made one page. At the top of the page they wrote out a "Kamsack Fact". Then they had to write one thing they love about Kamsack. Hopefully this will teach the grade three's in Saskatoon a little about our community.


Tuesday, 14 October 2014

The Power to Connect

This month in 3B we are working hard on connecting what we are reading to our lives. This will help us to become better readers because when your brain is connecting to what you are reading it will be easier to understand, and retell what you are reading.

 I have been modeling making connections all week with the students. I choose a book that I connect to and show the students what my brain is doing while I read. This includes me making connections to the text, pictures, characters, feelings and emotions. The students then respond with their own connections. Since we are all so different in 3B and make are own connections the students choose books from book bins of books I have collected from the library.

To visualize how many connections we are making the students write down each time they make a connection and I add it to our "connection train."

This week we are going to start sharing are connections which will allow us to make text-to-text connections.

Saturday, 4 October 2014

Creating Yearbooks

This week we said goodbye to September and welcomed October. To say goodbye to September the students began making a grade 3 yearbook. Each month they will do a one page write-up summarizing our month together. Then they will create a picture page using pictures I took throughout the month and various art supplies. At the end of the year I will put their yearbook pages together and they will have their own yearbook to take home. To inspire the kids I brought one of my old yearbooks in and had the students guess which picture was Ms. Baranowski! Showing them my yearbook got them excited about creating their own.

We began working on the writing process by brainstorming in partners and then as a class before the students began their writing.

Here are some pictures of the writing process. (You will have to wait till June to see the finished product!):

Friday, 3 October 2014

Who needs soil?

This week in 3B we answered that question. All week we looked at different plants, animal and people that need soil.To answer that question I divided the students into two groups. Each group received a large piece of paper and some markers. They were given 15 minutes to write all of the things that need soil and this is how it turned out:

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

It's fall time in 3B

In honor of the leaves falling this week we created stained glass fall trees. First the students painted cut up tissue paper on white paper using a combination of water and glue. Then we let it dry overnight.

The next day the students drew the tree trunk and branches on a piece of paper and cut it out.

Finally they glued the trunk onto their stained glass and this is the beautiful result:


Thursday, 25 September 2014

Terry Fox

Yesterday we went on a walk for Terry Fox. Today the kids are helping write the blog post (because Ms. B is too busy to do it alone!). Here are their thoughts on yesterday...

We went down town to walk. T.L.
I won the coloring contest and got a free shirt! J.S.
We had an assembly and watched videos about him. He was really young when he died. We walked around town for him. T.R.
I liked when we walked. J.L.
We helped raise money for cancer. K.G.
We walked around town and we finished his walk for Terry Fox. W.D.
We walked around town and we didn't stop for quite a while! J.W.
We went in a circle. H.M.
We had freezies to raise money for cancer. T.T.
We walked around town and we were helping him because he died and he wanted to help raise money for him. B.C.
He died and he looked like a robot. T.K.
He was a young boy from B.C. and he had leg cancer and he ran halfway around Canada and then he died of cancer. L.T.
He was born in Winnipeg and he almost ran around Canada and he had leg cancer. T.C.
Terry Fox was 22 when he died. CS.
He was a good man and he raised money for kids that had cancer. D.C.

Thanks for reading try and guess what your child wrote...(we used their initials)

Pictures to follow!


Friday, 19 September 2014

Science rules!

This week we began science in 3B. We had a lot of fun exploring soil. We started off by creating a classroom KWL chart. The students talked about things they know about soil, and things they want to learn about soil. At the end of the unit we will revisit the chart and add the things we learned.

Here is a picture of our chart:

We also took a close look at garden soil. Each child had an opportunity to explore soil on their own. We talked about how humans, animals and plants all depend on soil.

Today we began talking about what soil is made of. We did an experiment called "Is there air in soil?" The students had to predict whether they thought there was air in soil. Each table got a jar full of soil. We added water to the jar and observed what happened. The water cause air bubbles and the students could see that there is in fact air in soil!


Next week we will continue looking at what soil is made of. We will also look at different types of soil!

The scientists in 3B are excited to continue learning about soil!

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Increasing patterns!

This week in math we are learning all about increasing patterns. First the students created their own increasing patterns using blocks. Here are some pictures:

Then we worked on creating pattern rules for our patterns using numbers. Here is an example of an increasing number pattern and pattern rule:

                                26,30,34,38,42    Pattern rule: start at 26. Increase by 4.

Have your child complete this pattern tell you the pattern rule:

                                50,55,60,65,70,_____,_______,_____ Pattern rule:

Next week we will be working on decreasing number patterns!

Friday, 12 September 2014

We all fit together in 3B

This week in 3B we talked about how we are like a community in our classroom who loves, respects and supports one another. We also talked about how we are different but that is what makes it fun! To show our differences we created a classroom puzzle. The only guidelines I gave the students was that they had to make their puzzle pieces different from everyone else's by including drawings of their friends, family and other things they love!

Here is a picture of how the puzzle fit together!

Friday, 5 September 2014


We had an awesome week one in 3B! This week we began the Daily 5. Daily 5 is a reading program we will be following all year long. The students also made time capsules that they will open up in June. We are excited to see how much we have grown!

Be sure to check the blog often as I will be posting our learning and things you can do to increase your students learning at home. I will also be posting about upcoming events to keep you updated.

I have enjoyed each and everyone of the students this week, and I know we are going to have a great year!

Ms. Baranowski

If you haven't had the chance to visit the classroom yet I thought I would post a few pictures.