Wednesday, 21 January 2015


Yesterday we celebrated National Cheese Lovers Day (yes that is a real thing)! We started by sharing our favorite cheeses (cream cheese, cheddar, all kinds, mozzarella, grill cheese, cold cheese and more). We pretended that there was someone out there that didn't like cheese. We thought of different reasons why that person should like cheese. To help us come up with a list of reasons we read some cheese facts. We read about the history of cheese and found out that there are over 2000 types of cheese in the world.

Next, we used a graphic organizer to help us write down our thoughts. We began with a starting sentence, then three reasons why you should like cheese and finally we wrote our closing sentence.
Then the students worked on their own graphic organizer.

After our writing we watched a video on how cheese is made. Of course we had to enjoy a little cheese!

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