Thursday, 26 March 2015

This week in Social Studies the students were challenged when they were asked to create a map of the world (without tracing!!!). They had a picture of a world map to use as reference but their drawings are entirely theirs. The maps turned out wonderfully and I think the children were extra proud knowing they had drawn them on their own.




Thursday, 19 March 2015


Today we started division in math. I introduced the topic of division the same way we began multiplication; with groups. We started with a whole class instruction, then the kids worked in groups of two and finally they worked independently to show off their new skills. The students caught on quickly and I am excited to watch them learn some more division skills these next two weeks.

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Library Visit

On Thursday we visited the Kamsack Library with Mrs. Verigin. Once we got to the library we got to meet the librarian. She showed us the different book sections and explained to us some of the cool things the Kamsack Library has to offer, such as large print books. After that the kids had some exploring time where they got to read with one another and see just how many books the library has.


Mrs. Verigin brought her art supplies along and helped us make monster book marks.

To finish off the visit I read the students a few books. We took an extra long walk back to enjoy the beautiful day! Thanks coming with us Mrs. Verigin and big thanks to the Kamsack Library for letting us come visit!

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Multiplication Strategies

I found a great video last night that explains the different multiplication strategies. Give it a watch if you would like some more understanding of the different ways we have been learning to solve multiplication.

Monday, 9 March 2015

Multiplication Madness

In March we have been busy multiplying in grade 3! We have done a variety of hands on activities as well as some paper and pencil practice. We have learned a variety of strategies in multiplication including groups, arrays, and fact families. This week we are focusing on repeated addition as multiplication and multiplication using skip counting.

Here are some pictures to show you what we have been up to!


Please continue practicing multiplication at home. There are many fun games for the kids to practice on the blog as well as reviewing the flash cards at home. I also found a super fun repeated addition as multiplication game today that would help your child with this weeks learning! Just click on the link below and play away!

Repeated addition and multiplication memory match-up