Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Final Project

Before the break we wrapped up our structures and materials unit in science. As a final project we decided to make tipi's. To get the students excited about tipi making we watched a video on tipi making, read an article by Elder Mary Lee and had a classroom discussion. It was great to hear the students knowledge on tipi's. The next day we made our tipis and talked about how tipis fit into our unit. Our discussion questions were:
1.Why is a tipi considered a strong structure (think of the shape of the tipi)? 2. Is a tipi considered a temporary or permanent structure? Why?3. Typically how many poles are in a tipi? How would that affect the stability of a tipi? 4. Do you think a tipi would be more stable if it was taller or shorter? Why?5. List the materials and fasteners used in a tipi.
The tipi's turned out wonderfully. Here are a few pictures of us making them.





Friday, 6 February 2015

100 Days in 3B

Today we celebrated our 100th Day of School. Here are a few pictures of our fun day (and don't worry we still had time for our spelling tests)!

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Fasteners and Materials

Today in science we talked about fasteners and materials. We talked about how different materials are held together by different fasteners.

After that we decided to put some classroom fasteners to the test. We used sticky tack, pencil clips, glue and tape. We worked in small groups and tried out our different fasteners. After that we had a classroom discussion on the different types of fasteners used. We discussed when you would use certain fasteners (glue for long term hold and paper clips for short term holding of materials). The students found that glue was hard to work with (it made our hands sticky, didn't hold that well, and you needed to use lots of it). The sticky tack was easy to use but might not last as long as the glue.

Here are a few of the students creations:

3D Art

This week in math we are doing a min-unit on 3D shapes. Yesterday we combined art with math to make some fun optical illusions. We followed another classroom blog We Heart Art. This activity also helped us work on our listening skills because if you weren't following the step-by-step directions your art would not turn out!